- Class lecturing takes 50 minutes per credit of semester .
- A class with less than five students is classified as a Small Class and is run for only eight meetings.
- A class with at least five students is classified as a Big Class and is run for 14 meetings.
- A class having three credits takes 2.5 hours for every meeting.
- A class having two credits takes 1.5 hours for every meeting.
- Students are required to 100% attend each class in a whole semester.
- Students attending a class less than 75% without valid reasons (for examples: being sick supported by physician notice or carrying out official duties from faculty/university) are prohibited join the Final Exam (UAS).
- Students of a big class (14 meetings) attending less than 10 meetings will have no right to be graded.
- Students of a small class (8 meetings) attending less than six meetings will have no right to be graded.
- Students must come to the class in time in accordance with the valid lecturing schedule.
- Students coming more than 15 minutes late are not allowed to enter the classroom, and are regarded absent.
- Students must sign the lecturing attendance list.
- Students proven forgetting signing the lecturing attendance list must use Attendance Confirmation Form validated by the course lecturer.
- During the class lecturing, students can go to lavatory under the permission of the teaching lecturer.
- When a student is absent but asks a classmate to sign for attendance, both of them will fail in their course when proven.
- Students must bring any textbooks decided for every lecturing process.
- Students fail to do their exams due to hospitalization will have two options of treatment to exchange the exams:
- assignment, or
- lessening the exam score weight
- Students proven plagiarizing in their paper assignment will automatically fail in their course.