
Management Undergraduate Program FEB-UGM always conducts sustainable quality control process in providing education services. Formally, there are three quality assurance systems, namely:

1. National Accreditation Board (BAN)

The Law No 20 Year 2003 on National Education System requires an accreditation process as a valid condition for a Study Program to issue a scientific diploma. The Management Undergraduate Program has completed the accreditation process run by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) and obtains grade A, which is valid through 3 July 2014. Currently the process of renewing accreditation is conducted in time by the Management Undergraduate Program. Thus, while expecting the notification from BAN PT, this Study Program is considered having a valid status of BAN accreditation.

2. International AACSB

The Department of Management of FEB UGM, since 10 May 2014, has gained international accreditation status as a business school from AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business). By becoming a member of International AACSB, an education institution will be admitted as a part of the world business schools network with sustainably standardized quality of education process. FEB-UGM becomes the first business school in Indonesia and the eighth in South-East Asia to be accredited by International AACSB. FEB-UGM joins the only 5 (five) percent of all business schools in the world achieving such a prestigious accreditation status.

Based on the accreditation system of AACSB, FEB UGM created a Department Team of Academic Quality Control consisting of AoL (Assurance of Learning) Committee and Curriculum Committee. AoL Committee measures the academic performance of the Undergraduate Study Program, MM Study Program, M.Si Study Program, and Doctorate Study Program and reports the results to the Board of Faculty, the Board of Department, the Board of Study Program, Curriculum Committee, and the Office of Quality Assurance. The AoL Committee of Management Department of FEB UGM has Dr. Gugup Kismono, MBA (Chairman), Dr. Bayu Sutikno, MSM, and Dr. I Wayan Nuka Lantara, M.Si.

The Curriculum Committee evaluates curriculum and, based on the AoL measurement and workshop, gives recommendation to close the loop. The members of this committee are Prof.Dr. Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, MBA (Marketing), Prof. Dr. Eduardus Tandelilin, MBA (Finance), Dr. T. Hani Handoko, MBA (Human resource and Strategic Management), and Dr. Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, MBA, MPM (Operation).

3. Audit AMI

Management Undergraduate Program has annual Internal Quality Audit run by the Office of Quality Assurance, UGM. A UGM Internal Team of Assessors conducts this Audit AMI to help the boards of the study program develop optimum academic performance. The mechanism of AMI audit is similar to that of national accreditation process by BAN-PT.

4. Mix Magazine Survey 2013

A magazine, a member of SWA Media Group, named MIX in 2013 held a survey for state universities having accreditation A of BAN-PT, and placed Management Undergraduate Program, FEB UGM at the very top of the rank, meaning that this study program was the best. The survey, conducted in Jabodetabek, evaluated the performance of the undergraduate programs based on two factors (1) assessment by internal students and their parents and (2) assessment by alumni users. Students and their parents scored 8.83 while the alumni users scored 8.04. With the average score of 8.44, the Management Undergraduate Program, FEB UGM got the highest score and became the best.